
In order to stop global warming...what can you do?

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to serious guyz




  1. Change all bulb by low consumption bulbs would help at first. At Least, either try to reduce my own consumption of energy.

    At home ot at work

  2. what YOU can do is do things to lower your utility bill at home & use less gas in your car such as driving less & driving slower.

    theres a lot of things you can do to use less gas & electricity

    way too many to list here, but any time your gas & electric bill go's down it means your responsible for less pollution.

  3. Well, what does our household do?

    1. Rarely use A/C in the summer.

    2. Weather strip the windows in the winter.

    3. Compost in the backyard.

    4. Recycle everything we can.

    5. Reuse if we find a use for it.

    6. Use cloth bags for shopping.

    7. When possible ask for no bag when shopping.

    8. Cook from scratch.

    9. Use high efficiency light bulbs.

    10. Use high efficiency appliances.

    11. Wash laundry in cold water.

    12. Use a clothes line to dry clothes.

  4. you need to rephrase the question...

    in order to stop global warming.. what can WE do?

  5. Like the commercial says "Flick Off!" . Just turn off the lights and devices in a room when you are not using them or not in that room. (Won't necessarily stop global warming, but will "save" energy, even though we aren't really running out of energy supply)

    Take a bus, train, car pool. That helps for the air pollution anyways.

    I personally, think Al Gore may have had some good points, but in reality I think he was on too  much medication at the time.

    Global warning is pretty much another b.s. way to "scare" everyone... Just like recycling everything (which if you do some research, is b.s. too.... but thats another question LOL)

  6. you can try to but hybrid cars, not use paper or plastic bags at the grocery store, recycling, using solar power, and not leaving the water running when brushing your teeth

  7. Recycle and reuse, ride your bike, and ext.

  8. Turn on all the Air conditioners in my house and leave the windows open, thus helping to cool down the air outside

  9. Just wait.  Another Ice Age will be along any minute now...

    If you can't wait, figure out how to regulate the sun.

  10. start burnin as much toxic waste as possible and destroy the ozone layer then we will all burn to death and then humans wont be around to defile the planet any longer and eventualy over time the ozone will repair itself

    bam problem solved

  11. What is bad about Global Warming? More life exists in the Rain Forest than in the Poles!

  12. agree with guy above. start with yourself. use less tho, to put it simply.

  13. I have a problem with the whole theory of global warming.They say the ice caps are melting,then why did it take me 3 days to get the ice off my driveway this past winter

  14. What can YOU as in I?...

    I've started a sustainability group in my home town which has a goal of helping as many people/schools/businesses/etc as possible to be more sustainable and help them to a lower CO2 footprint.

    I'm building a demonstration eco-home which produces more power and water than it consumes, and shows consumers just what we can and should be doing. As part of the project I've got the Master Builder's Association on board who will be using the house as a demo for other builders to learn an improve their products from. I'm a residential builder by the way...

    And I've reduced my own impacts by

    Voting for the environment

    Using 100% certified Green energy (from wind farms in my area)

    Having my Super in only ethical renewable energy stocks


    Growing as much food as I can

    Reducing my transport as much as possible and converting to LPG (it burns much cleaner)

    And then cleaning up the rest with double offsetting (RECs and native tree plantings)

    The most important thing is to get active, and not just what we ourselves do, but get out and help others. There's lots more to do and time is short. We have to get cracking.

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