
In order to turn America to be more g*y-friendly,we should vote Obama or McCain?Why?

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In order to turn America to be more g*y-friendly,we should vote Obama or McCain?Why?




  1. they both pretty much don't care about you, so vote Ron Paul, smoke up your marijuana you bought at Wal-mart, and forget your troubles.

  2. Well when the protect american marriage act was voted on, both MCCAIN and OBAMA voted AGAINST it. Meaning they did not want to revise the definition of "marriage" as one man and one woman. So therefore they do not like g*y marriage (as many older citizens do not) but they are not for banning g*y marriage. The presidents could care less about g*y marriage, they are all about their own agendas. It's up to the states individually to allow it or ban it.

  3. McCain, because of how s**y he is.

  4. Sometimes when these two guys go for election for presidency, they'll just talk and talk, very impressively and beautifully. But, after one of them gets elected, will all the promises to make america a better nation be dreams that are not gonna come true? Well...let's see.

    Anyway, McCain has obviously opposed the same-s*x marriage.

    And, obama....who knows?  

  5. obama cuzz democrats are mostly not homophobic like republicans are.

  6. If I was American, I would vote for Obama, just because McCain is against g*y rights. Openly.

    In Israel we are allowed domestic partnerships and adoption. I don't see why it's not the same way in the US - it's not a Christian nation, it's a secular nation.

  7. Well McCain openly does not support g*y rights! Against g**s adopting children! So McCain's out, So Obama by default I guess!

    Although it will take more then a president to open the US up to homosexuality!

  8. Honestly I don't think the topic should be talked about. I firmly believe that is why Kerry lost. Let this be on the back burner lets just get bush/mccain out of the white house so hundreds of thousands of innocent people won't be slaughtered and mamed.

  9. Well I've seen Barrack Obama on the Ellen Degeneres show

    and he seems like an okay guy. It's the link to the clip.

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