
In our daily christian walk, what is our feeling concerning the Body of Christ and Christ as the Head ?

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Does our christian walk take us beyond just our own walk with the Lord, or do we see our spiritual growth as Body matter? Do we take into account Christ as the Head and the Church as His Body when we consider our walk with the Lord? Is our daily life building up or breaking down the Body of Christ.

Romans 14:19

So then let us pursue the things of peace and the things for building up one another"

1 Cor 14:26

What then brothers? Whenever you come together each one has a psalm, has a teaching, has a revelation, has a tongue, has an interpretation. Let ALL THINGS be done for building up"

Ty for pondering and posting in response.

In Christ





  1. Amazing question Sandy,

    It's really interesting how the whole of New Testament focusses so much on the Body of Christ but yet it's so neglected by a lot of Christians.

    To begin with, once we are believers, what does the Lord want from us? Most Christians know that we are saved and we get eternal life, but what does the Lord want from us? And what exactly we are, as a group of believers? 1 Cor 12:27 says "Now you are the Body of Christ, and members individually". Praise the Lord, we are the Body of Christ..!! Romans 12:5 says the same thing.

    This Body of Christ is the church, Col 1:18 says that Body is the church, Col. 1:24 says "..His Body, which is the church"..We as believers are the Body and the church, and the Lord wants us to be buit together as one Body. This is exactly what the Lord even spoke to Peter '..I will build my church.." The Lord wants to build this Body, the church with Himself as the Head. This is what the Lord wants from us now. The Lord wants us to cooperate with Him to build this Body.

    How amazing to realize that this is what the Lord's intention is..!! He does not want successful individual Christians, the Bible only tells us that He wants to build the Body with the believers as members of the Body joined together as one. Col 2:19 is so clear on this, that we need to hold on to the Head which is Christ and receive His rich divine supply that causes us to be knit together and grow in God. This is the Lord's intention, this is what we need to be doing. Hallelujah for the Body...!!!

    Thanks for bringing this up Sandy :))

  2. Our culture today is very self focused. I think we lack in building each other up to strengthen the body. I see the individualism in our own church and it breaks my heart. We should each do our part. Very good question and scriptures.  

  3. First off you need to realize that Jesus is nowhere.

    That will simplify your question considerably.

  4. Finally a thoughtful and sincere question for today.  Thank you.  I often think of similar things when replying to "questions" here in this forum.  MANY of the questions do not even qualify for a response, inasmuch as they are unbecoming and demeaning to those of us who hold  religious matters sacred, so I don't waste time responding to them.

    Wouldn't it be absolutely wonderful if there was a little more "building up" and less attempting to tear down our fellow man/woman?  I sincerely believe that it would be nice if everyone let others worship how, where, or what they may.  

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