
In our kitchen,what condiments can i use to stop bleeding?

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In our kitchen,what condiments can i use to stop bleeding?




  1. i'm not sure what kind of bleeding you're referring to, but if it's a wound, just apply pressure and it should stop shortly. do not put food on it.

  2. ummm what made you think of this random question?? condiments are usually great on a variety of dishes not so much on bloody wounds!!!! whatever happened to good old bandages? too normal??!!

  3. If bleeding is in the mouth, then give the individual sugar to suck. It stops bleeding immediately.

  4. the best thing is Ice.  If that is too much trouble and you are in a hurry, a bag of frozen vegetables works just like an ice pack.

  5. Blue Cheese dressing.

  6. salt but it will hurt a lot

  7. If you have any alum (aluminum sulfate) that works the best. Flour will stop most bleeding. Avoid salt based products or acid based, like vinegar, mustard, ketchup.

    The best way to stop bleeding is to try direct pressure. If that doesn't work, see a doctor.

  8. Meat tenderizer...........should stop the bleeding........burning and itching too.

  9. Sounds crazy!!!  But it works


    Conditions Treated: Wounds and Injuries

    Specific Conditions Treated: Bleeding

    Ingredients Used: Coffee

    How To Take: On a cut, pour ground coffee directly on the wound. Apply pressure to form a paste. It forms a "bandage"If it continues to bleed, apply more coffee and get medical attention.

    Expected Results: Bleeding stops.

  10. try a tea bag(unused). 1. it acts like a bandage ( no mess) 2. the tea itself has some healing properties , tannic acid in tea helps to stop bleeding.

  11. onion... use the thin paper like skin between onion layers, it has two sides, use the moister one directly to the cut. It works wonders!

  12. haha i hope no ones like bleeding out over there...just apply pressure.

  13. kosher salt,how about corn starch?

  14. Just read that black pepper will help.

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