
In our societies today, is a woman's worth higher, equal to, or lower than a man's worth?

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And I mean in general. There is the argument made by academia that says that a woman's value in the past was based on her ability to bear children and take care of her husband. A woman had no property since she WAS property that could not own anything. Now in today's society, many women own small businesses, earn more than men in certain areas, and have various rights that are specifically targetted for them. Do these changes signify that a woman's worth has decreased or increased to a man's worth? Your rants and thoughts please. :)




  1. people are people

  2. A woman's inherent worth is equal to that of a man, as well as everyone else in the world. Financially, there's no way of knowing. You can't put a price tag on a human being.

  3. None is 'worth' more than the other. A human being's value is not measured by his/her reproductive organs.

  4. WELL... there is such a thing as "perceived value" which is totally different from REAL value.

    A good example of PERCEIVED value is someone who LOVES their car and adds a sh*t load of extra features to it to make it nicer. Then when its time to sell, they expect lots of money for it. However, its TRUE worth is much lower than its PERCEIVED worth.

    Same with women. A woman's true value is EQUAL to a man's. However, to many WOMEN and even to many men... a woman's value is a lot higher.

    Don't believe me? All I have to say to PROVE my point is "Women and children first!!!!"

  5. Many people seem to think that women should be protected more.  You can draw your own conclusions from that.

  6. Depends on the society. In the US where money is king-the more money you have-the more status you have-whether you're male or female. No one likes to admit how classist the US is. But since the US is still fairly traditional as well as sexist-both men and women are still expected to "marry well" and have "great kids". Both US men and women feel pulled to marry and procreate like in the past; but now both feel they should succeed at work/business; have a great marriage; and have a happy family. Not always possible if you grow up poor or have learning disabilities or had a nasty childhood.

  7. Bryan, there are many contexts in which a woman's worth has increased in the last 150 yrs., however, many of those areas still need improving. I often ask the question about the increase in a woman's athletic abilities in the past century vs. their male counterparts as a reflection of Title IX-type gains women have made in sports during this time.

  8. Women today can live as indepedant individuals and i think it is only fair to treat them equally as fellow human beings.

    What i dont think is acceptible is the biased system which gives special privileges to them at the cost of the opposite s*x for example laws like VAWA and DMV.

    These special rights and privileges project them as a gender that requires special protection becaus eof an inherent weakness.

    I dont htink that should be the case and they should be exposed to the rigours of the world and its challeges just the same as men.

    Equal opportunities and nothing more.

    There are plenty of women who have followed this paradigm and are now successful but they also are doting mothers,wives etc.

    It is not about a man or a womans worth in the end it is about a humans worth.

    Gender can only take you so far but ultimately you have live with the rest of the world.

    And we all need someone to love and be loved.

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