
In outer space is are blood blue or red?

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I've heard that are blood turns red the moment oxygen and other earth born gases comes in contact with it..... if you look at your veins they are blue aren't they? Ive heard this alot from people that are pretty smart actually.




  1. The main color of blood is due to a chemical called hemoglobin which is a protein that provides a catalyst to allow iron to loosely bond with oxygen. In this state it is bright red. In the vacuum of space the hemoglobin would lose all oxygen and be purplish. So that is the range of color. It is never blue.

  2. Blood is ALWAYS red.

    Oxygenated blood is bright red, and deoxygenated blood is a darker red.

    Veins appear blue because of pigments in the vein walls, and because of light-scattering from the skin and sub-dermal fat layers. But the blood in them is still Red!!

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