
In pain.. please can you help me?

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got my wisdom teeth looked at.. been bothering me for 6 monthes now and getting worse. It feels achey and now im getting an ear ache/ Is the ear ache from the wisdom? My dentist said they are coming in fine but if causing pain i can get them out. They hurtt:[ Is there something he could have missed? Also on my right side where it hurts the most my gland behind my ear is swollen and hurts

1st dentist said i needed them out and now the 2nd dentist said not necessary??




  1. Does it get worse with your period?  Then it's definitely your wisdom teeth.

    Try using Aleve or Advill to reduce swelling.

    Also use an aerating oral rinse like "Vince" or "Amosan" or ask pharmacist..this should help greatly.

    Maybe you ought to get a 3rd opinion...some dentists are into taking all wisdom teeth out.

    I had mine out because they were impacted & also the dentist said I didn't have enough room for them to come in.  

    Perhaps a trip to your reg. MD for blood tests wouldn't be a bad idea.

    Good luck

  2. If your teeth are bothering you, you should have them out.  The pain behind your ear is a lymph node (most likely)  it is swollen because your body is attempting to fight off some infection.  The infection could be from anywhere in yoour body, but since the teeth are bothering you, I would start here.

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