
In palmistry, how can you tell what age you will be when an event will happen?

by Guest64795  |  earlier

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For example a star or cross on a lifeline, can you tell if you will be 25, 30 etc?




  1. It depends on how much money you pay the palm reader....the more you pay her the longer you will live.........

  2. I had gone to the Library years ago and stole an old Palmistry book.  Because the book had been dedicated to a person with my name.  In this Palmistry Dictionary is the answer to your question.  And for those who have never read such a document..hold your fist tight, it may prove to be valuable information.  Palmistry is more reliable than anyother science of the accult.  Especially when the first thing you do in a greating is shake hands.

  3. Stay away from palmistry. It is an occult practice and will draw demonic spirits to you. Do you want demons (which are very very dangerous creatures) shaping the outcome of your life? They will do so if they get the chance. Demons number one goal is to destroy people at all costs.

  4. One of the theories of identifying the age of an event is to use the wideth of your index finger (across the pad) as a general guide. Start counting your lifeline from where it starts between your index and thumb. Continue counting towards your wrist.

    The theory holds that each finger width represents a decade. (10 years)

    So where ever you find the star or cross in the lifeline in the count, would equal how old you would be when the event will happens.

    Personally I believe that we create our own futures by the decisions we make in the present.  Palm reading is very interesting but by no means an absolute. So enjoy it but don't let what you find worry you.

    I hope that helps.


  5. Write some events you would like to happen on paper,add your age,throw darts and what ever it hits,that's your answer! Or you could go to a palm reader and she/he can assure you of only one true event and that event will take place before you leave the room! Your money will vanish before your eyes!

  6. You just make it up.  I'm serious.

    Go to three palm readers and ask them all identical questions.  Then compare what they say.  The readings may be similar in very general terms, but I bet if you evaluate them honestly they will have made very different predictions.

  7. Palmistry is a load of bogus.

    Not the answer you're looking for.

    But it's the truth.

    So how can you tell how old you'll be? Guess. That's what you'll be doing anyway.

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