
In paranormal activities why must people be afraid?

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Ask yourself why a spirit would go to all the trouble to go creaking around or making noises and all just to scare someone?

Why only at night?

If they can harm a person why don't they do it on a regular basis?

Why must we be afraid?

Why does it only happen to certain people?

If they are chocking someone why not just kill them since they are so strong.

I watch the TLC and they are running a paranormal series and it seems to be mostly about fear.




  1. i agree.  But fear feeds them. They live on it.

  2. It is human nature to fear the unknown .

  3. .The reason certain people have a fear issue is because their Spiritual life is weak.  Demon spirits are out there to distract people from what life is really about.  A spirit of fear can  torment the mind at night or anytime they are really alone.  We do not have to be afraid as long as we have faith that God is in control of these spirits.  Does this make sense.  I have experienced this personally in my life and even seen demons in my dreams.  But when I began to read the Bible Those spirits began to flee.

  4. its the fear of the unknown

  5. who says that their only intention is to scare someone?


    Nightime is when most evil occurs why do you think we celebrate halloween at night?

    They want you to slowly break down, if someone killed your whole family would you just kill them with a gun to the head and giv ethem a quik painless death? i know i wouldnt.

    Most hauntings occur in which the spirit has lived, or if there has been an opening somewhere

    How do you kill a demon or spirit?

  6. All I know is I am living with at least 2! They are not only around at night and I think they are just kinda residual type spirits. They dont really try to hurt anyone, but it still is startling when something happens and U are not expecting it. I watch the Sci-Fi show Ghost Hunters and it is a much more rational show with, I think, more evidence.

    I have 2 daughters and none of us are really afraid of anything and the paranormal society is coming next month to see what they can find.

  7. It is to scare people into seeing the program.

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