
In photos i look a bit different than mirrors why is this?

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In photos i look a bit different than mirrors why is this?




  1. a photo is how you are at a single moment. in a mirror, its more like watching a video of yourself.

  2. When you see yourself in a photograph it is a true image.  The light enters the narrow aperture of a camera lens in straight lines which means that the left side of your face is received by the right side of the film / chip and vice-versa, so when the photograph is printed you see it from the point of view of the person taking the picture.

    When you look in a mirror you see your reflection which is a reversed image of yourself i.e. your left side appears on the right side of the image and vice-versa.  This is often referred to as a mirror-image.  Although the same reversing process as above takes place within the human eye, the brain has evolved to reverse (and invert) the signals it receives from the eye so that we see the world the right way round and up.  However, in this case, it turns it back into a reversed image again.

  3. Try looking at your reflection in two mirrors  -  one reflecting the image reflected by the other.  If you see yourself after two reflections, you will see yourself the way others see you,  -  that is, the right way round,  instead of your seeing yourself changed left-side-to-right and right-side-to-left.

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