
In places where I turn the light on for only a couple minutes should use incandescent or compact fluorescent?

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When I go in the closet or laundry room I usually only have the light on for two to five minutes at a time, but might cycle them 10 times if I'm have a few loads to do. Is it better to use regular bulbs which light up instantly or C.F. bulbs which are usually still warming up when I turn them back off.




  1. If seeing is important, I would go with the incandescent.  The frequent usage will shorten the bulbs life but I don't think energy use is that big of an issue.  Besides if you've already replaced many of your incandescents you will have some extras lying around.

  2. C.F. bulb life will suffer if you turn it on and off all the time. C.F. bulbs burn out much sooner if you turn them on and off all the time. If you do that toy will not meet the claims of longer bulb life. You will still use less energy, but you will have to buy more bulbs. And since there is mercury in these bulbs, it is bad for the environment to use them in such a way as to make them get thrown away sooner than necessary. If it is often on for very short times and off for much longer times, it may not be the best place for a C.F. bulb. Incandescent bulbs do not suffer so much from shortened life by constantly being turned on and off.

  3. One rule of thumb I have heard is that CFL bulbs should be used where the light remains on for at least 15 minutes at a time on average.

  4. It doesn't make a difference.  You will not notice and change in your electric usage.

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