
In pokemon emerald...i need really bad help?

by  |  earlier

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i have defeated the twins in the mossdeep gym,i went to stevens house and he wasnt there so where do i go now!!!???




  1. Space Centre

  2. Go to The space center (the big building on the island)  and fight team magma. Only after you have done this will steven be at his house and he will greet you with HM08 Dive.

  3. Once you beat the leaders, go to the east side of the city and you'll see maxie and some grunts. then go to the space center and battle the grunts downstairs. then go upstairs (you'll need to beat 1 more grunt before doing so) the three grunts grunts will battle you 1 by 1 but be careful... you have to beat them in a row so be prepared. Then you'll see steven and maxie and tabitha (The admin) go talk to them and select three pokemon for battle in tag battle with steven then go back to his house and your finally done with mossdeep!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. Go to the Rocket Observatory. Team Magma will be there.

  5. no comment

  6. I don't have Emerald, only Sapphire, but according to Psypokes, head to the Space Centre.

    Defeat the grunts, then select 3 pokemon and you'll enter a 2v2 battle with Steven on your side. After beating them, go to Steven's house and he'll give you Dive.

    I think you should be able to read the rest for yourself. haha.

  7. beat the elite 4 then go

  8. why would you want steven just go solve thhe legendary rayquaze groudon kypogre problem and ull see em ther and then at meteor falls after u beat e4 and national dex i tink. he has a team of 75-78 or something i think but he does have a 788 metagross if ur interested

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