
In poker are you allowed to show your hand to get a read from a player or is your hand dead once you show it?

by  |  earlier

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If you are heads up against your opponent and he goes all in and your not sure if you should call so your pondering and you flip your cards over to get a reaction from your opponent since he's all in you show them..Is this illegal? Is your hand dead once you show it?




  1. In a live game, you can show cards if you are head-up.

    In a tournament, you can not show cards as they would be called dead by the floorman.

  2. That signals that you are calling his all-in. Be prepared to meet his wager.

  3. It should either constitute a fold or a call, but if it's live and you're looking for a reaction, I'd probably deck you on the spot for being such a blatant douchebag.

  4. I'd work that out with the house before trying it because I'm pretty sure flipping over your cards without saying anything constitutes a call in most casinos.

  5. In the card rooms that I play in, if you show your cards to anyone, the hand is dead.

  6. It is NOT illegal and your hand would not be considered dead but some people view it as unethical.

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