
In politics was does 'god's work' actually mean?

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Anyone who uses a myth to substantiate political policy sends a shiver down my back.

What is your interpretation of 'god's work?




  1. Calling religion a "myth" - you sound just like Hitler.  Good work!

    You can be agnostic all you want (so am I, f'real) but disrespecting the views of the vast majority of people on this planet is really a bad thing. Hitleresque, grotesque, and intolerant.  So if you're ok with that, then cool.

  2. "Gov't Mule" did you know that Hitler was into occultish stuff?

    and to answer this I will say only this:

    helping is the answer to everything......

    people fear what they don't understand so instead of trying to understand it......

    they try to help it......

    but how can anyone try and help something, when they have no understanding of it, without first having the knowledge of all its needs?

    so instead...... I should really have said this:

    war is the answer to everything in politics......

    1st Edit:  MikeSnake? I have said some pretty nasty things in my past about god...... but he doesn't give a MONKEY'S about me......

    why? coz he has gotten fed up with all of us mortal human beings who are constantly sucking up to him for mankinds past mistakes and therefore he doesn't care if you curse him on a daily basis or if you kill someone just to spite is words......

    but I wouldn't kill someone to spite him...... I'm not that stupid......

    I would do it to protect the innocent...... (I'd be happier if someone would be a Superman or a Batman in today's societies......)

    2nd Edit:  ok...... for those of you who didn't know I shall say this only once:

    religion is, and always will be, manufactured (man made)......

    homosapiens came first...... thank you!!!

    I'm not saying that religion is a myth...... only that it has always been conjured up by us homosapiens who have nothing better to do than make up constant fables

    we are a race that spread rumours about people who don't exist and so have other like-minded peoples believing in our stories......

    anyway I have given my opinions for now and leave you all to think things through......

    3rd Edit:  oh and Beastie? you forgot to add this:

    "both are equally as dumb and stupid as each other due to one simple fact:  God and Allah are both the same being...... it's just that Yahweh prefers to go by a different name in each culture"

    that said we all go by different names throughout our lives which are sometimes spent glaring endlessly into the hub of cyberspace (more commonly known as the internet)

    meaning do we have the right to judge another "being" with multiple names? simple answer to this:

    no...... we do not......

  3. You could always consult the U.S. Constitution.

  4. Whoo... that's what happens when you call religion a myth, then. You get all the upset Christians threatening you. You know Christians? That non confrontational, 'turn the other cheek' bunch?

    My interpretation of 'Gods work' is that it's the excuse used by religiously driven nutters to justify their means.

    Since that's the criteria, I reckon you couldn't slide a cigarette paper between George 'God is on our side' Bush and Osama 'Allah is on our side' bin Laden.

    Difference is, only one of those idiots has a enormous military at his command.

  5. The same as everyday life. If you cannot explain something you fall back to delusional thinking. It makes you appear wise - amongst fools .

    Never forget the King of Genocide - GOD

  6. It's important to separate church and state, but it's also not very nice of you to call God/religion a myth.  You will be struck by lightning and die because of that.  

  7. That would make at least two of us.What a bunch of total nut jobs!

    I am still suffering from Nuremberg after shock

  8. ^It ******* is a myth! It's just a way to control a society. How else could the inquisitions, the dark ages... the war on terror have been justified?

    God's work doesn't mean a ******* thing. Even if there is a god, s/he didn't tell the political leader in question to do this or that. It's a myth, and the public are so blind, in debt, uneducated and submissive to authority, it's a myth that serves its purpose.

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