
In pool, when you are down to your last object ball and the 8- ball . you hit the object ball in first?

by  |  earlier

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what happens




  1. I'm not sure what your asking, but the eight ball cannot be made along with another object ball. It doesn't matter if you hit your last object ball first , the 8 must be made alone. If you make your final object ball and the 8 ball in the same shot that is loss of game because you made the 8 ball out of turn. Good luck to ya!

  2. If the 8 is made in the same shot you lose if thats what you mean

    if you make your shot the call and make the 8 you win  not sure what you were asking

  3. yes

  4. Of course you hit your last object ball in first. The eightball is always pocketed last in eightball.

  5. yes then once the ball is sunk and the que ball has came to a complete stop you can then call your pocket for the eight and sink that ball as well

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