
In "Advice to a Teenage Daughter", what's the poet giving a list of and why a plate of chips? (lines 16-21)

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You have found a new war-game

called Love.

Here on your dressing-table

stand arrayed

brave ranks of lipsticks


swords of cherry pink and flame.

Behold the miniature armies

of little jars

packed with the scented

dynamite of flowers.

See the dreaded tweezers;

tiny pots

of manufactured moonlight,

stick-on stars.

Beware my sweet;

conquest may seem easy

but you can’t compete with football,

motor cycles, cars,

cricket, computer-games,

or a plate of chips.




  1. These lines warn of the competition for attention between favorite past time activities of some guys.  It could be interpreted as a recommendation to not become so possessive and demanding of a guy's time as to try to keep him from spending time enjoying these other interests because you might end up forfeiting a good relationship by coming off as controlling.  If it bothers a lady that her man spends too much time indulging in these activities, she should end the relationship.  By the same logic, if a man feels that his lady is preventing him from spending an adequate amount of time indulging these other interests, he should end the relationship.  I suppose the best way to resolve any problems arising from a guy’s inclination to spend a lot of time engaged in these activities would be to join him in his interests.  If a lady is simply not interested in doing so and the guy is spending what she feels is too much time away from her, then the relationship is not sound and should be ended.  

    I actually don’t agree with the assertions made in these lines because a good lady can easily compete for my attention over these particular activities.  Perhaps this would not be true of a younger man, but personally, I’d much rather spend time with my lady enjoying activities we can both appreciate.

  2. this is the enemy..  the games and toys.and .food, junk food is their ally. both girls and boys  have their priorities..girls like to shop, boys like to eat.   the resolution may be the cookies she needs to bake......

  3. The poet is giving a list of things that will draw the guys attention away from matter how much love she feels, and no matter how much she presents herself. Since the poet includes cricket in the list we know that a plate of chips would be what the US would call french fries. They are included at the end to show that even a trivial diversion like something to eat may be more important to the man in the moment than her. She is to beware, or in a sense prepare herself for what is to come.

    Hope that helps.

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