
In "Noah's Ark" How many animals was in the boat?

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In "Noah's Ark" How many animals was in the boat?




  1. WOW!  This is an excellant question...

         You made me get my bible and look it up - Good for you!

          Looks like some others need to do the same... Although the Bible  doesn't even hint as to how many total...  It does say:

    2. "You shall take with you "seven" each of every clean animal, a male and his female; "two" each of animals that are unclean, a male and his female;

    3  "also "seven" each of birds of the air, male and female, to keep the species alive on the face of all the earth.

    4  "For after seven more days I will cause it to rain on the earth forty days and forty nights, and I will destroy from the face of the earth all living things that I have made."


           (Most everybody gets the "two" of each animal question wrong, because the Bible goes on to say the animals entered the ark "two by two".  And this is the bases of all the pictures we see.)

          But my question regarding Noah's Ark however, has always been:

          "How come he just didn't swat those darn mesquitos?"

           Sorry I couldn't give you an accurate answer... but if your curious about it... You might want to view some very interesting information on Noah's Ark, by checking out the link below...

    Happy & Safe Boating!

  2. 2 of each.

  3. There is no way to know.

    The Bible tells how many of each type there were, and that Noah took only the animals that came to him. But total number would be a guess.

    The minimum numbers would have to take into account genetic compatible animals (cross breeds) that came and provided for genetic diversity after the flood.

  4. 10,000,000+ species (remember that every animal species which has since gone extinct would need to have been on board), times 7 (not 2, as Capt John correctly pointed out), would be very roughly seventy-million individual animals. And food for all of them for 5 months. So, assuming that Noah was even faster than Santa Claus and stronger than Superman, and only took one second to find each animal and bring it back to the ark from whatever part of the globe the animal happened to be, how long would that have taken him? Now, the Bible tells us the dimensions of the ark are about 600' x 100' x 60', about the size of a smallish coastal tank ship. How much room would that be for each of the animals, including Noah and his family?

    Mythology is cool, whether it's Greek, Jewish, Chinese, MesoAmerican or whatever, but this is a forum for Boats and Boating.

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