
In racketball play, is it a rule that the racket must be tethered to your wrist? If so, please cite rule.?

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I asked the previous question about switching hands during play. So far have received 4 answers saying it is illegal to switch. Nobody cited the applicable rule, however.




  1. no you do not have to have it tetheresd to your wrist who made up that rule????????????????

  2. nope, it does not have to be tehtered


    (a) The racquet, including bumper guard and all solid parts of the handle, may not exceed 22 inches in length.

    (b) The racquet frame may be any material judged safe.

    (c) The racquet frame must include a cord that must be securely attached to the player's wrist.

    (d) The string of the racquet must be gut, monofilament, nylon, graphite, plastic, metal, or a combination thereof, and must not mark or deface the ball.

    (e) Using an illegal racquet will result in forfeiture of the game in progress or, if discovered between games, forfeiture of the preceding game.

    For the woman asking "who made up that rule" -- it's the United States Racquetball Association official rules.  Look it up.

  4. The handball referred to in this section is team handball or Olympic handball (not the ball-to wall stuff you US people call "handball"). It has no connection whatsoever to racketball.

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