
In real,non-crackpot terms,is it really possble that a group of people can create a "New order"one-world govt?

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In real,non-crackpot terms,is it really possble that a group of people can create a "New order"one-world govt?




  1. Well, the intention is there. Socialism from the left is Internationalism. It is a belief that we are all the same and can contribute the same through out the world.

    Unfortunately that is not true. The West is a beacon of light in and otherwise cruel and barbaric world.

    Everyone person that lives here should bend down, kiss the earth and swear allegiance to defend our way of life ot the end.

  2. Hopefully. However internationalism has no routes in 'secret organisations' its just that many intellectuals believe in a world federalist or internationalist government, but its not so well publisised as the far left/right politics. It makes sense; why are we divided by borders when we're all people? Can't we acheive more together if we're not always fighting?

    I can give much more detailed, serious accounts for a world federalist government if people ask, but it doesn't seem necessary in answering this question.

  3. Yes, politicians have been on about it for ages, ex: old man Bush,

    keep a lookout for the date to pop up on video, see what you think

  4. Yes and they doing it in the UK. First, you put cameras everywhere then you tax people to death then.......

  5. There is only one way to find out...

  6. It's been prophisied that it will happen.

    There are groups trying to make it happen. So yes in real terms it can.

    In Biblical terms it will happen.

  7. There has been a lot of ink used to try to forewarn that this is happening not believe it is all crack-pot---too much evidence that can been seen-----mostly it is being done with the use of money---witness the turmoil in the world's financial systems.

  8. Only after millions of people die. Several HUNDRED million worldwide possibly more.

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