
In realition to homelessness please give me your veiws on resettllement?

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a question i need to answer for an exam please help




  1. I doubt resettlement is legal--at least in the United States.  

    I do wonder if public nuisance laws can be used against pan handlers and the decidedly unhygienic.  They should be declared incompetent and indigent and taken out to the country where they can work or starve.  All they have to do get off the farm is to walk out.  No one should stop them.  However, the nearest city would be 100 miles or more away.  They would be encouraged to develop work skills and apply for jobs via the mail, phone or internet.  Any body who actually lands a job get a free ride to town and an inexpensive room in a hotel for a month.

    Again, all of this is highly illegal but if you are a unskilled parasite making your money via passing the hat, I would prefer a solution like the one above.  It's better than having to smell you every day as I walk past you soiled person.

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