
In recorded history, ther've been well over 100 Creation Myths about the origin of life, which is the right 1?

by Guest66857  |  earlier

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If the Judeo-Christian version is the correct one, are all the other ones wrong?

And, if it's wrong, or only the second or third best version, won't God be upset with Judeo-Christians for lying a little bit?




  1. Everyone seems to completely see every other religion's stories/beliefs as obviously made-up silliness. Yet, the religion of their own culture that they were raised in is just so perfectly true and real to them.

    It's insane.

  2. Personally, I think the Hindu creation myth isn't incompatible with the expanding and contracting universe model.

    This is not the first world, nor is it the first universe. There have been and will be many more worlds and universes than there are drops of water in the holy river Ganges. The universes are made by Lord Brahma the Creator, maintained by Lord Vishnu the Preserver and destroyed by Lord Shiva. Since the universes must be destroyed before they can be recreated, Lord Shiva is called the Destroyer and Re-creator. These three gods are all forms of Supreme One and part of the Supreme One. The Supreme One is behind and beyond all.

    After each old universe is destroyed nothing is left but a vast ocean. Floating on this ocean, resting on the great snake Ananta, is Lord Vishnu. Some say that a lotus flower springs from his navel and from this comes Lord Brahma. And it is from Lord Brahma that all creation comes.

    How dies Lord Brahma create? Some tell of how he grows lonely and splits himself in two to create male and female. Then he becomes one again and human beings are created. In the same way he creates all the other living things, from the great animals to the tiniest insects. Others say that everything comes from different parts of Lord Brahma's body. All the different animals and all the people come from his mouth, arms, thighs and feet. Everything comes from one - Lord Brahma, who is part of the Supreme One - so everything is part of the Supreme One. For this universe, this world and this Lord Brahma, like all those before and all those to come, will be destroyed by Lord Shiva.

    How long is the life of a universe? Its length is beyond imagination. One day to Lord Brahma is longer than four thousand million of the years that we know. Every night when Lord Brahma sleeps the world is destroyed. Every morning when he awakes it is created again. When the Lord Brahma of this universe has lived a lifetime of such days the universe is completely destroyed by Lord Shiva.

    Everything disappears into the Supreme One. For an unimaginable period of time chaos and water alone exist. Then once again Lord Vishnu appears, floating on the vast ocean. From Lord Vishnu comes forth Lord Brahma of the new universe and the cycle continues for ever.

  3. It is amazing that there are a surprising number of similarities between many of them. If you take the Gilgamesh and compare that to the Bible, Torah (the first 5 books of the Bible) and the Koran/

  4. is there a rite creation story?  how do we know trhe rite story was proposed at one time but dismissed as nonsensical?  matter of fact, is there a god?  many questons, no answers.

  5. This is the second time in a week that I have come across peternal assuming that God exists. Is he beginning to waver over the evolutionary beliefs he's been clawing on to ?.

  6. They all sounded good, at the time!

  7. A myth is a story that a culture came up with because they needed to think that they knew everything.

    No one can know which one is right. It is your own opinion.

  8. We would need a Time Machine to find that out.

    If one was invented and the real story written down; in a thousand years the real account will have been changed time and time again until it bore no relation to the truth.

    Real Version:-

    In the beginning, there were two blokes, Chas and Dave; they enjoyed playing snooker and telling dirty stories about Giraffes mating.

    A Spaceship landed and two of the most beautiful women walked out.

    The Men saw that they were different and commented on the lack of willies and the excess of flesh upon their chests.

    In return for mutual exploration of the new world, the Women pledged to organise the two men.

    This they have been doing ever since, and a by product appears to be young sprogs all over the place.

    Does that help?.

  9. Define "myth".  Since you declared them all to be such, you must have a solid understanding of what a myth actually is, right?

  10. There are not just hundreds; there are thousands.

    They are all bunk!

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