
In regard to Law, in the UK, would you get annoyed if you had to use another countries laws to get a decision?

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It comes to the point of when in Rome!

Why does the British Government allow different sects, religions and countries allow them to bring their laws into the UK.

We would not be allowed to go to say Israel, USA, China, Africa and say I do not respect your country and I want to use the law of my country to decide my fate.

Human Rights, Liberty etc were good to begin with, but now they have gone to far and destroying this country laws.

What do you think?




  1. there are no applicable laws from other country's to my knowledge.i think your referring to Islamic law, not applicable in this country??????????.

  2. I think you have the wrong end of the stick.  

    People wearing what they like in court is nothing to do with 'other countries laws' - if you were in court, you'd wear a suit.  Doesn't mean you were wearing one when caught burgling the house.

    There are Jewish courts called the Beth Din.  It's akin to a mediation/arbitration process which both parties agree to abide by.  

    Building companies have the same thing.  Grain merchants have the same thing. It's commonplace.

    There is no 'Sharia law' in the UK.  It does not displace UK law.  But parties are entitled to agree to resolve their differences ina ccording with sharia law if they wish.  It does not displace the law of the land.

    I think you've been reading too much of the Daily Mail.  

  3. Annoyed wouldn't even come close.  If I ever choose to live in another country other than England then I would expect to live by their laws.  Simple as.

  4. None of the legal systems you've pointed to displace UK law. The proceedings of those "courts" are only binding as far as the participants agree, and their decisions, if inconsistent with general secular law are invalid. They are venues for settling disputes between people who share a particular faith. There are no circumstances under which you would have to use a such a system to settle a dispute. You can always resort to the normal courts system.

  5. I would agree but could you be specific and say what laws you are talking about, because I can't think of any.


  6. Hi,

    I can only answer for where I live which is Canada but I imagine it is similar to the UK.

    The Jewish religious court of laws here have divorce proceedings as well. The reason why that is so is because members of the Jewish community who are religious or who even those who follow their religion nominally to an extent wish to have a religious bill of divorce, called a "get". This, BTW, has no legal meaning as far as Canadian law is concerned, participants is such a proceeding would still have to get a civil divorce in order to be considered divorced in the eyes of the law.

    In addition, the Jewish courts of laws also having proceedings regarding monetary matters. This is also voluntary done by both sides and is similar to arbitration.

  7. When in Rome, is a fundamental, if someone chooses to move countries it's simple you respect the law of the country you move to.

  8. There is nothing to stop two people agreeing to settle a dispute other than through the courts, eg. arbritration or dispute resolution procedure. However, if one person does not agree he/she can iinsist on going to Court. Therefore the jurisdiction of the Court can only be excluded where both parties agree so to do. Accordingly, there is nothing wrong with two people agreeing to settle a matter on the basis of sharia law and procedures, provided that such laws are not in conflict with the laws of England / Wales or Scotland, as the case may be.

    One danger however arises from the likelihood that both parties to a dispute may not be of equal standing. One may be able to pressure the other into using a system such as sharia law. This might arise because one party is male and the other female. Therefore, care needs to be taken in extending the possibilities of applying sharia law.

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