
In regards to the gary glitter fiasco?

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do you think here in the u.k. we are too lenient on s*x offenders..i have read some things on here about treatments and counseling for you honestly think this works..will they ever change their deviant ways...what is your answer to the problem of what to do with s*x offenders..




  1. I've heard that some countries solve the problem by doing a Lorraine Bobbitt on the guys. But, quite honestly, that only solves one problem, and isn't effective on women! Since I'm an equal opportunity kinda person, there needs to be a one-size-fits-all solution. Unfortunately, none of our prison systems have that answer, other than locking them all up, and keeping them there. Psychologists have proven that there is no typical cure for these people, as they eventually end up doing it all over again. They just get sneakier at not getting caught. The problem lies in the heart, not in any program, drug, or prison system. If a person really wants to change, they will. A person's will is stronger than any drug, as proven with coma patients. I've seen people turn their lives around. It takes time. And they had the desire to do so, and continue doing so. The thing is, they've got to have a reason to change. It would be impossible for me to just give one pat answer, as each offender is as different as the next. They all have something in common though, and that's how they view what they've done. They knew it was wrong, yet did it anyway. They all had their reasons, but they knew it was wrong, and determined that their desire was more important than who they were violating. Isn't that true of all sin? Sin is born in the mind, then takes a course that depends on ones actions. And it's in the mind that the sinner has to battle with it, and stop it from being fully birthed. I don't know why these people get started in doing these things. I do know that once they start, outside of God totally changing their heart, they will continue having the desire to offend. I do know that the prison ministries are trying to have some impact on these people. But I'm not sure that there's anything else that can be done so that they can be trusted to be placed into society again. Plus their employment options are very limited too, so as to not expose them to more victims. I feel sorry for those they've hurt, especially their own families. Trust is very hard to mend, once broken. <*)))><

  2. we are to lenient, i watched a show once when a paedo was on there saying that nothing will stop him having those thoughts and the only thing that could be done was castration, he was actually asking to be castrated...

    a family friend of mine worked with ex offenders paedos and the sorts, and she said they actually reabilitate them near schools and places like that - how stupid must they be -  she showed us a map of were they are and the schoold my younger brother was at was completely dotted with them even livin in flats that over looked the playground - how sick

    there is nothing anyone can do to help them get better - they should be locked up and left to rot

    the sick b@astard was on the plane singing the song lyrics i'm free to do what i want any old time - and laughing at the police because they couldn't do nothing - does that sound like someone ready to be put back into society - and what are we gonna do - question him put him on the register and send him on his way - no other country will let him in and we are gonna do nothing about it - what good is the registar evrybody knows him anyway so its not going to make any difference - he should have his passport taken off him and be locked in a dark cell till he dies

  3. Castration would be my answer. Some s*x offenders cannot be rehabilitated.

  4. i was just about to type cut their balls off but ramona bet me to it! then they lose any urge and any ability to have an erection and problem solved -or is it? as maybe  losing sexual urges you imagine they may still use hands or items to abuse, and even a HUG on a child  who you dont know, could be classed as s*x abuse and so they need monitored and the public need told where they stay. They cant be made to change,as adults as their brains/thoughts/emotions are telling them they 'only' fancy children (urghh hard to even type this) and a naked adult does not arouse them as this is a complex and extremely hard to understand by me an 'ordinary'  person and a mum .

    I am not violent but I would lose my sense of perspective if any one harmed my children .It isnt being dramatic, I feel so strong as most normal humans do. Esp parents. I would ring the police and hope they got to the offender before me or their dad or my brothers!

    I also dont want to forget that women can do things as well to children , plus incest goes on and that women can be offenders as I have known one who touched and' worse' on her little brother she was 17 he was 10 and it was full on abuse, beatings and sexual things when she was left alone 'babysitting' she beat him and made sure he was too scared to tell mum or dad (he still carries this secret to this day, and he is almost 40) I also know someone whos dad done things when he had a drink in him .

    Children are more in danger than we realise, not always  strangers -but in fact, by trusted family members.

  5. Wanting to have s*x with children in the 20th and 21st centuries is considered not to be normal. However in the 17th, 18th and 19th centuries, child prostitution was commonplace.

    Girls as young as 9 would offer themselves on the streets of major cities and adults both male and female would pay to have their way with them.

    This is no longer considered acceptable, but this does not take away the urge from certain individuals who want to have s*x with children. In fact, making the act a heinous crime, makes it more appealing to some.

    In the 21st century, paedophilia is a depraved, disgusting and inhuman act and the only way to wipe it out from society is to lock these monsters away from society permanently. Castrating is not the answer. Many children are raped using all manner of instruments, from fingers to wine bottles and anything in between.

    Permanent removal from society is the only answer.

  6. Unfortunately this creature is British, so we have a duty to protect the rest of the world from this monster. His passport should be removed full stop, because when he carried out this vile abuse he lost right to travel the world. As to what to do with this type of offender the answer is complex i fear. In my opinion he has served his time, but his release should come with conditions. I would demand that all s*x offenders attend therapy and be micro chipped so as to keep tabs on their movement. It may seam barbaric and draconian, but the bottom line is we have a duty of care to all our citizens, when he embarked on his course of child abuse he gave up his right to complete liberty. h**l mend them.

  7. I favour 9mm justice for most offences , sexual or not . Prison is a waist of money and essentially inhuman . Bring back the birch , the cane and national service and after a few years you won't have to shoot too many people .  

  8. Looking at the amount of repeat offenders i don't think it does work.

    Just look at Glitter this isn't the first time he's been in trouble for such things.

    Perhaps we do need a new approach, what that might be who knows. I guess a good brainstorming session is needed by the powers that be to what is an effective treatment without peeing off the PC brigade at the same time.They tend to hold us back on such issues :)

  9. They make out its a disease that they fiddle children but its bullshit and sick. He should not be aloud back in here! Counseling will just make it look like its taking effect.

    Sick b*****d!

  10. In answer to your question yes, however, I am prevented from giving full vent to my feelings on this matter and my opinion on what punishment should be handed down to these and other perverts by Yahoo guidelines on public decency!

  11. the only form of guidance ,is up to a wall and shot

    there should be no place for these sick individuals

    and for the woman at the top,who is an ex copper do you feel justified having to tell a childs familly,that it was commonplace many,many years ago. I can understand why you're an ex copper

    i would hate to be the poor soul who phoned the samaritans and got through to her.


  12. Basically I think we have two options,throw away the key or deal with him.

    Locking him up for good would obviously solve a lot of problems but if the punishment for molesting children was as severe as killing children what would happen?What would go through an abusers mind 'risk' wise?

    He needs to be brought back to the UK and controlled and monitored,

    I've heard people say let him go to another country and be their problem,well it's not the country who would have a problem with him it would be that countries' children.

    The UK's system of dealing with s*x offenders is one of the strictest but obviously nowhere near perfect.

    Myself, I would tag him and follow his every movement.

    The type of offences he committed are compulsive and he will not just stop.Society needs to stop being hysterical and deal with this problem.

    The tabloids baying for blood simply drive the problem underground.

    One more thing, child abusers are often people who have been abused themselves.This cycle has to be broken.

    If the people who Gadd abused go on to offend in some way in the future what will people say?

    Get him back here and make him face up to his past.


  13. I think they should be imprisoned for life, no thats too easy for them, shot or bring back public hanging for paedophiles or the old victorian torture that you see in London Dungeons, stretched on the racks and hot oil poured down their necks.  Personally I would first chop off all their genitalia and then give them a letal injection.  Send them off to an island rapists and paedophiles and let them sort each other out.  Way too lenient here in uk&Ireland, we should know where they are living.  Also know a lot of it is within families and have to be careful.  But you know a big paedophile ring was busted here in Ireland few years ago and also big thing about rent boys and guess who was using them, top judges, barristers etc.  We would be shocked if knew half of what is going on.  They are sick individuals and no amount of counselling will change how they think as they think are correct in their way of thinking, is SICK & DISGUSTING, I would gladly dish out the punishment as would half the mothers and fathers who have kids.  

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