
In regards to the immigrant raid in Mississippi yesterday, why weren't the company officers arrested as well?

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for knowingly employing illegal aliens?

Almost 600 illegal aliens were detained by ICE, there is no way that the company officers can claim that they weren't aware that some of these people were illegal aliens.

Isn't the fastest way to stop employment of illegal aliens, to arrest the officers of the company for employing them in the first place?

Being charged with a felony with a short jail sentence (less than 30 days) and an enormous fine ($50,000) would put a stop to this practice asap.




  1. Are you some kind of a progressive thinking democrat or something?

    You wish to punish management for making a profit?

    What kind of a nut cake are you anyway.

    In America it is "Profits above anything else"  s***w the common worker, if we can get them to work cheaper and without benefits, then all the better for our profit margin.  We have to compete with Wal Mart for cheap prices.  If Wal Mart will not buy from us we will go out of business.

  2. In the past there were laws governing the companies to make sure they were legal, but that seems to have fallen by the wayside. However, I don't see Companies being find. After all there are two sets of laws; one for the rich and shameless,and one for the rest.

  3. The fastest way to stop employing illegal aliens is to stop making it illegal and give them some rights.

    Illegal aliens do most of the **** work in this country and they don't get anything for it.  How about the government seizes the company, liquidates it then splits the money with all 600 of the people that were probably working there under crappy conditions?  That might stop it.  That might make other companies actually treat their employees better.

    Interesting article.  It says over 100 of them had children with them and there were a handful of juveniles as well.  

    Remember this the next time you eat an apple.

  4. I agree. They always go after, and deport the workers, but the companies are hardly touched. The workers are not the problem, it is the companies that hire them.

    More BS bureaucracy.

  5. I agree with you the company officers need to be jailed along with at least $50,000 fine for each ILLEGAL that was caught there working.

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