
In reguards to smoking weed, and the myths of passing a drug test, I have a question!.......?

by  |  earlier

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Ok about 12 days ago I smoked weed, four days later I was told that i was going to have a drug test in one day, So i drank tons of water and cranberry juice and took my drug test. I barley passed it, she said if the line was any lighter than i wouldnt pass. The day after that i smoked weed then drank tons of water for four days, and tomorrow i think i might be having another drug test, because it was barley clean the last time and she might want to make sure im clean.

Do you think i have a pretty good chance?

u think i can drink some bleach tonight and some vinegar?

wat should i do??

and please dont tell me not to smoke weed, im quitting if i can pass this test.




  1. I posted this in another recent answer, but it holds true for you, as well:

    The problem with THC (the active component in cannabis) is that it's highly fat soluble. This means that regardless of how you take it in, it shifts into fatty tissues and sits there for quite some time. Then it's slowly leached back into the blood over time. That's why the elimination half-life is about 56 hours. So, in 4-5 days, urine levels should be undetectable.

    The other issue with fat soluble drugs is that they almost always have to be metabolized by the liver first, before they are water-soluble enough to be eliminated by the kidneys. And it's those metabolites that are being looked for by urine drug tests. You can take all of the "detox" potions and cranberry pills and wave a magic wand all you like, but nothing really will speed up that process.

    Ironically, the liver uses oxidizing reactions to convert THC into something that it can eliminate from the body. By overloading your body with antioxidants, you actually hinder some of those processes that result in proper metabolism of xenobiotics (drugs and toxins).

    In fact, the more water you drink, the more dilute your urine is, and they test for that (why your line was "light") to make sure you're not trying to cheat. They also notice excess niacin levels and a variety of other tricks that don't really work.

    Frankly, it's all a myth designed to fool folks who want to believe that they can use drugs without consequences. The only true detox is "time".

  2. sure, drink bleach. you cant fail a drug test if ur dead.

  3. you need a detox drink

  4. I know this is exactly what you didn't want to hear but. PLEASE DON'T SMOKE WEED. It's killing me to hear someone obviously in need of help. NO don't drink bleach or vinegar. You can't change the results of the test, so it will become a vicious cycle until you end up with brain damage. A man I knew smoked weed when he was younger, and became a skitzophrenic and a few months ago he threw himself in front of  a train. I think that even if you don't pass the drug test you should qit, bcoz you are killing yourself slowly. please stop.

  5. Fast, Use Yogi Detox Tea, and drink lots of water.  There are a number of masking agents that also work, but your only clean for a four hour window.  The main factor affecting your renal clearance is metabolism.  As mentioned previously one of the metabolites of THC is deposited in fat cells.  Fasting helps to break down some of the fatty deposits, and increasing your blood volume significantly, should do the trick.  If your going to be outside in the heat and sweating alot, don't just drink large quanities of water you will need electrolytes also or you could suffer form hyponatremia which can be deadly.  Good Luck!

  6. THC accumulates in your fat cells. Flush your fat cells and youll be fine.

  7. The best way to pass a drug test is to just not take the drug,..... very simple solution.

    Drug tests today are a lot more accurate and a lot harder to fool.  And, drugs are bad for you, go on, admit it.

    You should quit the drugs whether you pas this next test or not.  because, eventually there will be another test and you will be able to pass it.  Quitting the drug and passing the drug test should not be related to one another.

  8. Look, you are all wrong i have smoked weed for 6 years and have had to pass many test for my job. It all depends on how fast your metabolism is and how much water you take in. I have smoked 3 days before a test and all i did was drink water. The only reason people tell you that it wont work is because they have a f-up view that has been protrayed by the goverment that weed is horrible and you will do horrible things if you smoke it. Why don't you look up some information from countrys that are allowed to test the effects of weed unlike the US, the truth just might change your mind. Just drink lots of water and run to make yourself sweat, you'll be safe.

  9. go to your local health store or pharmacy and look in the vitamin section for Niacin. take a few of the pills the day of your test and drink some water and cranberry juice, but not too much! drinking an excessive amount of fluids could make the result worse.

    but i think youve got an alright chance. if youre really scared, you could always have a clean friend p**s in a condom, tie it up, and then when you have to take the test empty it in the cup. gross but it works, unless your friend is a liar.

    [niacin always works, and its easy to find. natural too, you cant really overdose, so if in doubt, take like 6]

    :) good luck

  10. Smoke a joint and ponder it. The answer will come to you.

  11. Bleach of course will not work. But cranberry juice and water will help out alott! kk

    Plz answer my question;...

  12. Take a poppy seed bagel to them and eat it right before the drug test so that if it is positive they will think it is the poppy seed

  13. Drinking bleach will kill you.  None of these methods work.  People are going to answer with different methods, but none of them will work dear.

  14. I would suggest a product called Bentonite.  It is usually in health food stores.  This product is an herbal detox, and a big bottle costs about ten dollars.  The product is a milky substance similar to milk of magnesia.  

    What Bentonite does is pulls the THC out of your fat cells.

    I know many people on parole that swear by this stuff.  The suggestion is to chug a good part of the bottle.  Now, a large quantity of water must also be consumed to help flush.

    Other options really depend on how important this test is to  you, and how much extra money you have to spend.  If it is very important to not fail this test, you should go to a local head shop, and buy a flushing agent.  A good flushing agent will cost about 60 dollars, and they work quite well.  You do not have the time to order anything from online since your test is tommorrow.

    The last option that I have heard of is Cert-o.  It is a type of gelatin substance found in local grocery stores.  People that I know take a few packets of certo before the test.  I would not suggest doing this.  They say the certo builds in your urinary system, and blocks any THC from exiting.  Users of this method say that it makes them feel slightly ill.  They are willing to risk this just to pass the test, but that is a huge judgement call.

    If you are going to drink cranberry juice, do not buy regular cranberry juice.  You need to get the pure cranberry juice from a health foods store.  Cranberry concentrate is even better.  Most cranberry juices, are comprised of grape or apple juice, so there are little flushing benefits.  Natural cranberry juice is very bitter, and was very tough for me to drink.  

    Good Luck

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