
In response to Protesters, McCain said "Americans are sick of yelling at each other." But wont stop War?

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Doesn't McCain think Americans are SICK of the IRAQ WAR too? ... which is ONE reason we are yelling at each other.




  1. Moose had the best answer. McCain picked the most divisive VP in history and yet doesn't want Americans to yell at each other? Sounds rather hypocritical to me.  

  2. Well, he doesn't listen to other people. I am convinced he's in another world.

  3. Ohhh yeah!

    We can just use Obama's magic wand and make the war stop instantly!

    It doesnt work like that.

  4. he wants to end the war but like the first answerer said we just can't pull our troops out just like that

  5. Because he is full of **** and doesn't know what he is doing.  He just wants to win and keep living in this reality that he is so afraid to accept will destroy the nation and its people.  At least Obama is for CHANGE

  6. If McSame does not want Americans yelling at each other why did he pick the most divisive VP nominee in history?

    He WANTS Americans to yell at each other, if it helps him win.

  7. American's are sick of it, yes but that doesn't mean that want to lose it and walk away in shame.   One thing Obama won't tell you, we are actually making progress in Iraq because of an idea that McCain had the military foresight to support.  Obama had the military inexperience to not support it and he was, gasp, wrong.   I definately trust McCain to handle this war more than I trust Obama.

  8. You mean "surrender" as in "but McCain won't surrender to terrorists".

  9. Boy, you must give Senator McCain a lot of credit if you think he can stop the war singlehandedly.

    I'll guess you'll be voting for a man with so much power, right?

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