
In response to the French Revolution, President Washington announced a policy of?

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A. neutrality designed to keep America out of European affairs.

B. support for Great Britain because of English military strength.

C. support for the French since they had supported the American Revolution.

D. helping the French, but he eventually supported England.




  1. C sounds correct, the French Indeed Supported the American Revolution...k so im wrong..sorry

  2. I think the answer is A. neutrality

    "It is our true policy to steer clear of entangling alliances with any portion of the foreign world."

    George Washington, Farewell Address

  3. A. neutrality, he did not want entangling alliances with Europe. This caused a great rift between him and Jeffereson who was VERY pro French.

  4. Neutrality and not paying their debt to the French.

  5. A. Neutrality. "No entangling alliances" were Washington's famous words. Jefferson, on the other hand, was for the French Revolution. "It is our true policy to steer clear of entangling alliances with any portion of the foreign world," were GW's exact words.

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