
In response to the insanity of a Low Carbon Living Program, How can we create an extreme HIGH carbon?

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carbon living Program?

To encourage things like, running the gas fireplace with the a/c set on 55

Taking LOOOOOOOOOOOONG hot showers after a hard day’s work of making money off logging or ground clearing or brush burning.

One of my favorites is going through the drive through, sitting in the parking lot with the ac running and then having all that nice trash that we know will end up in the landfill. Paper, plastic, Styrofoam.

We could have a little “counter system” to keep track of our increases, and maybe a way to know when the demand is the highest for electricity so that we can be sure an run the dishwasher at that point just for kickers.

What other ways can you come up with to increase our carbon footprint? To have the greatest effect on nature?




  1. I make it a point to mow the lawn on "ozone action" days.

  2. Then they've won, because they're still causing you to behave differently than you would have.

    If they want to live a low-carbon, low-magnesium, low-tungsten, or any lifestyle that is low on any element in the periodic table, that is their business.

    I like the lifestyle I lead right now.      I don't sit and calculate how much of a given element I use or transmit.

    If they want to, that's their business.

    I just wish they wouldn't seek to impose their lifestyle on me.

  3. Why would you want to be such a reckless goon? The damage that's already been done is more than enough. We don't need idiots like you trying to make it worse.

  4. We can keep doing some things we are already doing, like burning down tropical rain forests to allow so-called "biofuel" crops like corn to be planted.  We can follow the Democrats plan to "keep drilling for oil where we already are" instead of building carbon free nuclear power plants.  And we can continue to reduce food crop yields by the use or "organic farming" and thus be forced to either let more people in impoverished societies starve OR turn even more forests and grasslands into pastures.

  5. Carbon out put = Energy in put!

    That's equal to cost!

    How much money do you have to waste?

    What you should be thinking, is how can you make money out of this environmental scam! Every ones jumping on the 'environmental' bandwagon, get on it!

    But don't tell anyone!

    Ignorance, pure dumb and natural ignorance!

  6. Get tickets to the next NASCAR race.

    Take your 426 hemi out to the dream cruise and have a barbecue.

    AGW is hogwash. So are the socialsit attempts at brainwashing our youth and controlling our personal lives.

    They should learn skills to get jobs with in school-not feel good liberal socialist hogwash.

  7. If high usage of carbon is the goal, just follow what Al Gore does.

    He idles his limos for hours to keep the car cool while he does speeches.

    He flies expensive jets that use more fuel in a day than a normal person would use in a year or two of driving.

    His houses use 25 times more power than a normal person does.

    I don't know anyone who uses more energy than he does.  I don' t mind that he loves to burn fuel all the time except that he insists that the rest of us ride bicycles so he'll have more fuel for his fun and games.

  8. i think you hit them all, but how about burning old tires and plastic and batterys !!!

    darn it how about throwing dity diapers out the windows of our cars on the freeway, yessssereee! yummy!

    this is funny and will help:

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