
In response to this question, from one black woman to a supposedly "black" man?

by  |  earlier

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Follow this link to see what I am referring to

I'm sure there are a lot of Klan members asking the same thing about black men like yourself or your avatar anyway. Next thing you know black men might think they can be president my gosh NOOOOOOOOO!!!!! What a sad day it will be for the Aryans to not have their little slaves anymore. You need to go back to the plantation "boy". If you go back then I'll go to the kitchen. Don't worry I'll wait.

I guess you're just another misogynist helping to hold down your own black sisters so the racists can have their "way" huh. Good for you I hope you like the path you've chosen.

Non white males sound EXTREMELY STUPID WHEN THEY ARE SEXIST. I guess you have no idea what it's like to be oppressed or have all the white men officially accepted you as one of their own.




  1. It was a silly troll question that didn't rate a serious response.  You essentially gave him just what he wanted- outrage.

  2. Ahhhahahahahahahaa! You put it back after the trolls deleted it. Great going, that's a way to show them they can't silence your voice. Oh and it's not just non white males that sound stupid when their sexist, it's everyone,  that includes women. Regardless of race or s*x.

    EDIT:The one thing I hate about Yahoo Answers is that they allow people who think they run it to delete your questions. A bunch of cowards if you ask me. I have never reported an answer. I see it like this, if you got something to say, say it.

    EDIT EDIT: Well, well, well Yahoo just made the link invalid. How convient of them.

    EDIT EDIT EDIT: Notice how Human and Kris W are surprised that you posted it again? They also didn't directly answer the question....Could they be who had the first one deleted? Things that make you say hmmmmmmm.....

  3. What? Wait. Did you delete your question and repost the same question back up?? At least you corrected your spelling mistakes this time, although now your link is broken... correct that pls.

    Btw. You shouldn't compare Race to Gender, doesn't work because Races contain both Genders so the analogy doesn't fit and is quite easy to rebuttal. All in all my answer is still the same... Stop being so sensitive.

    So much entertainment tonight!

  4. ok.... I don't know if I should be offended or annoyed for feeding the trolls?

       No matter...

  5. Everyone sounds stupid when they're sexist. It's the nature of the beast. A guy I know says he wouldn't marry a woman who wanted to work. He says keeping the home is the most honorable thing a woman can do. "Is it the most honorable thing a man can do?" **** no! Hmmm. ;)

  6. Yeah you're right. Common sense is a bit of a rarity these days.

  7. You know this will be deleted soon, right? The link doesn't work because it has been deleted as well.

    No one likes to debate in here. If they don't like it they simply get questions and answers deleted. :(

    P.S. - I didn't report this. I'm just saying those who got that deleted will probably do the same with this question.

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