
In retrospect, do you think John McCain's selection of Sarah Palin as his running mate was a bad idea?

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the vice presidential candidate should augment and be the number one cheerleader to the presidential candidate. right now, Palin is definitely overshadowing McCain in news coverage and at the convention. in fact, none of the issues are really being discussed because, for better or worse, Palin is the center of all the news coverage. when the debates happen, it'll be McCain vs Obama...not Palin vs. Obama. while Palin certainly has generated a lot of excitement, do you think this choice will ultimately backfire?




  1. I think it was a great idea and I am excited that either way in November we are going to elect a black man President or a woman Vice President.  Very exciting!

  2. Time will tell but she is a complement to McCain.  The focus is on her because if the other side discredits her they discredit McCain.  Too bad the press can't find time to check into Bill Ayers, the domestic terrorist, and his connection to Obama and why they wanted to stifle the radio interview of someone investigating the connection.

  3. IF we are going to engage in retrospect, why not ask "Will this choice of Palin as running mate get America to forget that this party lied about intelligence to fabricate cause for war, shredded the Constitution, and is the record holder for government spending ever?"

    This choice is not going to get me for forget these people are terrible for freedoms and not good for democracy - ever.  

  4. NOPE

    fantastic choice and she will be elected VPILF

  5. I'm not sure honestly. The choice probably made neo-conservatives and evangelicals cream their pants.

    However for a supposedly humble soccer mom she's got a lot of dirty laundry, something the McCain campaign should have noticed had she been properly vetted. Then there's the idea that she was picked to squarely go for Clinton supporters, but that makes no sense since her platform is about as anti-feminist as you can possibly get so they'd get some fringe support, and then the ire of insult from the rest. And to me, the word conservative feminist is a complete oxymoron. She doesn't represent any of the interests of women except in the similiarity that she has a v****a.

    And probably the biggest worry is that someone so inexperienced as to she didn't even know what the VP's role is shouldn't ever be placed in a position to run one of the most powerful nations on earth considering McCain's age and health. She's going to be roasted a h**l of a lot harder than Biden because of this, she's almost running for President herself.

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