
In road to the show on mlb08 can your player get injured

by  |  earlier

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if it has happend to you tell me your position and what happened




  1. My guy was a first baseman with the Giants and strained his groin stretching for the ball.

    Since the injury wasn't too serious, it gave me the option of going to the DL or playing through it.

    If you play through it, you can't earn points for training for a month or so.

    If it's serious, you just go straight to the DL and have to sim the season.

  2. I was a Cubs ball boy and had to retire because Zambrano ran it up my a55 and tore my A ho

  3. I was a pitcher and got a fractured arm out for 5 weeks

    As a catcher someone trucked me and i got a concussion out for season

    As a first basemen (this can happen anywhere really) I was batting, got nailed in the knee and broke it, was out for 5 months

  4. yes you can

    my guys a catcher and he got ran over and broke his finger he was on the 15 day DL



  5. i was a SS and i was batting and i got hit on my hand and i fractured it and was out for 3 months it's boring you pretty much just have to sim until your better

  6. Yes i was a centerfielder dove 4 a ball torn acl career over                         as a first baseman i run over a catcher and broke my leg out 4 the year     as a pitcher torn my rotaor cuff career over

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