
In roulette with 0 and 00 is there a number that come up more often?

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In roulette with 0 and 00 is there a number that come up more often?




  1. Never play a 0-00 wheel its the worst odds in roulette.

    always play a 0 if its avaiblie.

  2. There is a theory that 0 and 00 do come up more often than not. Here it is:

    The routlette dealers are rated by the performance of the table game when they deal. In order to try to help the game ratings, when the dealer spins the wheel, then shoots the ball on it, the dealer will try to get it in the 0 or 00 slot on purpose, since this is a house win.

    There is even a system based on this theory, although I do not have a link.

    I have spoken with a local dealer I know, and was told this is kind of true, but would not give out further details to me.

    So that system was based on playing 0 and 00 and then pattern betting the numbers surrounding the 0 and 00.

    The only question I would really have about this is whether the dealer can actually affect where the ball lands? Again, I got the answer, yes, they kind of can, lol.

    I never play roulette, but I do know several players who do, and most of them will swear that when the table is loaded with chips, 0 or 00 seem to come up a bot more often than they should!

    Good luck at the tables!

  3. 38-1 to all numbers although 0 and 00 seem to come up more often

  4. here's a winning system i saw for roulette and turned £20 into £200 in an hour

  5. casinos go to great length to ensure that their roullet wheels are perfectly balances and spaced so that every spot has an equal chance of the ball landing on it.

    All spots have an equal probibility of the ball landing on them, and their is no system to beat the game of roullette, by betting paterns or combinations of bets, if you try to develope one, you are wasting your time, unless you are a serious salesman and could convince fools to buy it from you, but even then you woudl be selling bogus information.  You might make money doing it though.

    There was one strategy that seemed to me plausable, it involved timing the speed of the ball and timeing the speed of the wheel to predict where the ball woudl land.  In theory is woudl be possible, but i personally dont beleive that such a method would be either simple enough to be done by a human mind alone, or done at a high enough efficiency that the player woudl actually expect returns.  I dont recal the name of the book that outlined it.

  6. theoretically, no.  but I always split the 0's

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