
In royalty, what does it mean when they say "Had issue" or "No issue?"?

by  |  earlier

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For example:

Princess Henrietta Maria

Married Prince x*x. Had issue.




  1. I think had issue means 'had a problem with' and no issue means 'no children'.

  2. it means they had children.

  3. It means "had children."

  4. Children, "Had issue" means she or He had a kid. No issue no kids

  5. Had issue=children

    No issue=no children

  6. Issue is another way of saying that they had children.  No issue would therefore mean that they had no known children.

  7. Issue means children

  8. Had Issue means the royal married couple had children, and No Issue means the royal married did not have any children either through miscarriage or never conceieved.

    If a royal figure did not produce any offpspring, usually will be written as such "Prince/Princess X died without issue."

  9. issue are children

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