
In rugby Union, what does it mean.....?

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I only started watching rugby about 10 years ago - and then only 5/6 Nations and World Cup.

Much as I enjoy the game, certain words leave me lost. I have recently learned that a Grand Slam means going undefeated.

And I now understand - thanks to the internet, that the Lions comprise players from England, Ireland, Scotland, and Wales.

But what about Triple Crown? I was in Wales

many moons ago as an Englishman, and the place was going wild. Everyone drinking to the Triple Crown. I joined in the celebrations.

But what was I celebrating?

And why do they change the rules every year? I thought I knew the limitations on a line-out, but now learn that there are 41 violations (at the last count.) I don't stand a chance!

Thank goodness the 6-Nations season has come round again, and we don't have to watch prima donna footballers.

(And thanks, Taff, for the hospitality.) What a refreshing change from the football attitude!




  1. if wales won the triple crown it meant they had beaten england scotland and ireland in the nations cup and the same for any other combination

  2. As most other respondents have said, the Triple Crown is awarded to the home country that beats all the others. By Home Country I mean England, Scotland, Ireland (all of it) and Wales. It is a contest within a contest, The Six Nations Championship. Somebody also mistakenly stated that the Calcutta Cup was contested between Wales and Scotland. It is not. It is contested between England and Scotland. The Calcutta Cup is again a contest within a contest, not a separate game.

    Just a small point on the rules of the lineout, there are something like 60 rules that apply specifically to the lineout and a whole host more that apply both to the lineout and other areas of the game eg. Offside. It is an absolute minefield and very few, if any, players of the game know them all.

  3. All good answers but try not to lisen to the Welsh as they can only talk a good game nowadays, and even then they talk cr*p.

    Ha ha ha ha

  4. Like the other answers have said the triple crown is the trophy that is contested between the home nations or the Lion nations as you have said in your question above. Its called the triple crown because you must win three matches to win..

    eg for ireland, they must defeat england, scotland and wales etc. Which they did last year.

    It is made so valuable because it is possible that it might not be won every year. Depending on results. Remember you must win all three matches.

    Other cups in the six nations include the calcutta cup which is just who ever wins between scotland and wales. This trophy is actually th oldest in rugby union and was set up in early 1900's when british settlers in India sent back 600 rubies (i think) to buy a trophy for the game. As this couldnt be spent in england. they melted down the metal of the coins and forged the trophy from it.

    It terms of rules in the lineout, must new rules are introduced for safety reasons. similar to the new pause rule in the scrum. (crouch hold touch pause engage) Supposedly to slow down the impact of the scrum

  5. the triple crown is where one of the home nations (i.e. england, ireland, scotland or wales) beats all of the others. in effect a british grand slam

  6. Triple Crown means being a home nation and beating all the home nations. So only between England, Ireland, Scotland or Wales.

    The rules are currently being re-written to make the game simpler as the IRB also agree that a 150 page rule book for a game of rugby is ridiculous!

  7. The Triple Crown is an honour contested annually by the National teams of England,Scotland,Ireland and Wales(Also known as the Home Nations) as part of the Six Nations Championships.If any one team manages to win all their games against the other three they then win the Triple Crown.

    This was most recently achieved by Ireland in 2006.

    The 6 Nations Championship also includes France and Italy but they do not take part in the Triple Crown.

    A team that beats all the other 5 teams in the 6 Nations is said to have won the Grand Slam.The team that finishes last wins the Wooden Spoon.

    As for your question about line-outs I agree that it is very confusing to the average spectator when new rules are introduced.

    I am a fan of football and rugby,and I concede that football players could learn a lot from the attitude of rugby players,but that's another debate.

    I take it that you were celebrating with the Welsh when they won in 2005.Being a Welshman I am pleased that my fellow countrymen treated you well.We haven't started too well this year,losing to Ireland but there is a lot more rugby to look forward to.Good luck and happy watching!

  8. it means RUN LIKE h**l !!!!!! If you get the ball,because you have 15 bloke wanting that ball & there not wearing the same jersey as you!!!!

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