
In rugby union is it safer to be a forward or back?

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In rugby union is it safer to be a forward or back?




  1. A back. Though you probably receive the biggest hits as a back, you're not as involved in the dirty work.

    The scrums are the most dangerous part of a match. If the scrum collapses in the wrong way, a Forward could break their neck, as has happened many times before.

    Also, forwards are the ones that form rucks, and therefore are the ones that get punched and stood on whilst they're stuck on the ground.

    Therefore, I'd say it's safer being a back, and far more spectacular!

  2. well, the forwards are the ones in the scrum, and mostly ususally the rucks, so they get a lot of contact, but whenever they run the ball, they don't have much momentum, think of the backs, they're the ones that are running at full speed and then get nailed, so its not accurate to say the forwards are hurt less than the backs, or the other way around, it depends on the player, you can be a back that plays hard, or you can be a forward that plays hard. It'll be just as "safe" or dangerous (depending on how you look at it) to play forwards or backs.

    forwards are the ones that rip up  their ears, s***w up their faces, backs are the ones that break legs and ribs

  3. i would say backs cuz fowards always bash and run into and to scrums and rucks and mauls... but i suggest u to not to play rugby cuz if u fear that something is gonna hurt u then u wont b able to enjoy playing it

  4. lol safer?

    im gonna say from my exp that it wud be a back.....cuz the forwards are always the ones in the rucks and they always run the ball u.


  5. the safest position is on the sideline watching the game ,rugby is not a very safe game .lol

  6. Probably a back especially if you can run like h**l.  If you're a forward you get into set pieces like scrums and your ears get bitten off.   Sorry - b/f is a rugby player!!

  7. It's a contact sport so there's always room for injury...but the forwards' win the hard yards at the ruck and their contact is a lot more acute than say the winger who comes in at the end of the phases

    So, in's safer to be a back

  8. Seriously, Jumbo.

    You sound like such a p***y with all your moaning about getting hurt.

    Rugby's not for you.

    Get over it.

    Go and play football. It's ok, Rugby's not everyones cup of tea.

  9. your going to get hurt at some point no matter what position you play ... and it's going to hurt alot, so get prepared, becasue it will happen and you can't avoid it

  10. umm... maybe you should consider a "safer" sport. if your really worried about it. every posistion has lots and lots of contact but back might be a better choice for you, cause its midly less "danger." listen if your worried about getting hurt, your FAR more likely to be hurt, just play hard man anywhere you play and you will have no worries.

  11. If you're worried about the physicality, its not your position thats gonna get you injured, its your attitude. If you go into a tackle worried about getting hurt, you probably will.

    EDIT: Logic would tell you forwards get more injuries...but in all honesty, in my team, backs pick up more injuries. Last night, a centre broke his collar bone.

  12. Generally speaking, I would say a back, as the contact you take is obviously much less, but to be a forward, your body must be a considerable amount stronger than an average back, therefore a forward would be better equipped to take the hits required of them, so the position simply depends on the player's build and physical capabilities.

  13. Definitely a back, like a winger. Sometimes, depending on the way a game goes, a back could hardly do any work at all.

    There are many backs out there though that love to get amongst it and go looking for work rather that sit back and wait for something to happen. Those are the backs I love, hard workers.

  14. if you are thinking this maybe rugby isn't the best sport for you.

    but, being a back is safer, but you are going to get hit and hit hard, so be prepared because it will happen.

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