
In runescape how do you get those rainbow coloured boots?

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In runescape how do you get those rainbow coloured boots?




  1. go to the barbarian village and go down the trap door thingy and complete the safety tutorial  

  2. that barbarian village cave just go down the levels

  3. Go to the Barbarian Village and go down the hole. find your way through the maze, and when you finish you will get to choose whether you want fighting boots or rainbow(fancy) boots. You could check out a guide on a help quide such as Sal's Realm to find your way through.

  4. You quit runescape and Lucky the Lepprachaun will come to your house and give you them.

    this is what I once said to a guy in Runescape. its unrelated but i got a kick out of it:

    You were the chosen one!

    You were supposed to destroy RuneScape not play it!

    Bring balence to the internet, not leave it in darkness!

    lol but anyways if I can remember there was a place in Barbarian world you go in a hole and the walls ask you security questions and you find them in the basement.

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