
In runescape since the wild is coming back does that mean there is no 3k trade limit?

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In runescape since the wild is coming back does that mean there is not going to be a 3k trade limit?




  1. Here is my opinion:

    The 3k trade limit will stay! But if you kill someone in wild then you get their items, but not the money probably so no one will do real world trading! But you can buy good armor and die and the other account will pick it up. That is a good way to trade pass the 3k trade limit! Well i hope I'm right. Because i saw the behind the scenes in september it says there will be a change in losing and keeping items, so this can mean no loosing items at all? Or loosing everything? Or even loosing items that are only 3k or less. Well we will see in september.

    I hope this answer helped you with some thoughts.

  2. leave runescape this maybe ur chance kid it can fck ur life up badways man rs is just online bull **** that fcks u up and controls ur mind now get the fck off rs and go outside and improve ur social life b***h

  3. Unfortunately, I think there is still a 3k trade limit :(  

  4. still trade limit

  5. there is hockey in runescape?

  6. After that part where the Leafs take over the dragon overlord in level 86585657 and they have to battle against the Flames for the rune calder cup, it is pretty bad a$sed.

  7. hmmmm, wildy never left you know. true they took PKing out, and no, its not going back to the way it was, but it will be vey similar.

    this post is about what they are gonna do by the end of the year, telling how they will introduce PVP servers (pking everywhere) and why its not going to reintroduce the RWT and macro problems, so they are keeping the cap.

  8. email jagex, and im sure they will put a thread bout it, look on forums (And trust me, get out of runescape it takes up your life :p get out there! Feel the world!! Trust me!! I have this amazing gf now!)

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