
In san sebastian, spain, do they let 16 year olds in the clubs (such as el Bataplan, disco rotonda, etc.)?

by  |  earlier

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  1. no they dont. you have to be 18 to be able to get into any nightclub that opens after 22:00. also, in Spain (the whole country), it's illegal to sell alcohol to people younger than 18, and the clubs are really strict about that (at least the good ones... the crappy ones wont be so watched, since there are few people, and the police has more people to watch in the bigger and more populated clubs).

    but there is one thing that can explain the previous comment. foreigners, supposedly, bring a lot of money to have fun and to spend here... so the guards might look at you with only one eye... cuz they assume you'll spend like pigs in the club.. and that's good for them. you are lucky.. lol.. local people are very restricted on that! :P you might get lucky and enter clubs easyly only if you speak in english all the time.. and go lightly dressed (u know what i mean).

    have fun!

  2. I would most likely say yes because my friends went to europe and went clubbing in italy, sweden, and possibly spain but I don't know if thats the same club.

  3. I am 25 and have travelled extensively in Spain including the region in question.  I have never been carded or asked of proof of age.  I have been to many night clubs and seen very young people partying there.  

    I think in Spain parents keep their kids on a tighter leash and they don't have probablems with irresponsible youth drinking.  Also as opposed to in the USA, when you go out in Spain, you rarely have to drive afterwards.

    I don't think you have to worry about it unless you're like 12.

  4. yep.

    No drinking age either.

    have a good one.

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