
In school, what is cross-country? What do you do in cross-country?

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I'm not sure what you do in cross-country, so help. Is is something like track? Thank you! Also, help me with this answer too:;_ylt=AgPN3jDelxC9MWh3TTV5whHsy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20080819181822AAURRom




  1. Hey,

      The only similarity to track is both involve running. Cross country however is on grass/trails, it incorporates hills (every course is completely different). Everyone of the same age group runs at the same time in one race (i've been in races with up to 300 people in it). The start line can be crowded but once you get going it is fine. My tip- don't go out to fast or you will pay for it at the end.

    Good Luck

  2. Yes, it is like track, only the running is over longer distances.


  3. Long distance running.  My brother competed in cross country running and most of the time his meets were through some kind of woods at a park or other trails, etc.

  4. it's like track but you run longer distances and you run on the regular ground not on a track

  5. well the fact that it's running is the only similarity from track. Cross Country is distance running, JV will run a 3k race (1.8 miles) and Varsity runs a 5k race (usually about 3 miles). In practice we train in many different ways; long runs, quick paced runs, speedwork, striders, hills, the the damned minutes workout, etc, etc. It's all running, if that clears things up. I'm in it and I absolutely love it, and not only for the running. Cross Country is like a family, since it's co-ed, I feel as though I've got thirty (give or take) brothers and sisters. It tends to be a tight group, but it's my favorite sport, aside from the blisters.  

  6. cross country is long distance running off the track like on dirt, grass, and sometimes even on the road. for girls it is usually 2 miles while for guys its 3

  7. run or ski...a long way...err, cross-country

  8. it is distance running

    at my middle school the meets are only 2 miles but a workout during our athletic period often gets up to around 8 miles every day

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