
In school suspension help?

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i got an in school suspension for saying bullshit...will this go on my college applications and stuff?




  1. How do you get an in school suspension in homeschool?  We just call it time out here.

  2. I have no clue, in school suspension; if such would be given, for a home school student may be called "being grounded".

    I do have a piece of advice though, watch what you say not because it may reflect badly on a college application, but simply because it reflects badly on you, period.

  3. Chances are it wont unless you find yourself with a laundry list of things you have done wrong.  Just bite your tongue in the future and you should be fine.

  4. LOL well if u are home schooled the no LMAO HAHAHA

  5. I don't think so unless you continue to act up & create a reputation for that kind of behavior.

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