
In serious pain..what could I do.?

by  |  earlier

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Well I'm 15 years old and my upper back is in A LOT of pain.

My rib area is also in pain, and it hurts when I breathe, laugh or move slightly. I didn't feel this pain yesterday, but it tends to come back every now and then. Also this morning when I woke up everything around me was spinning. THIS IS NOT due to menstrual pain as some MAY think, for this isn't my month.




  1. You can call your doctor on this one, but I  personally would go to a Chiropractor, and I do. They can put things back into place, like your ribs. I didn't even know I had one out until he popped it back. It does not hurt at all, and he doesn't crack anything. You will feel a lot better..

  2. I would bet anything that you are carrying a large back pack around. If you are you should try to carry less and let your parents know.

  3. Try an ibuprofen, if the pain doesn'tt go away, tell an adult or go to the hospital...

  4. are you physically active? do you play a sport or work out? have you been jumping around and such? if so, you may have injured your sternum area. your sternum is connected to your spine and therefore you could have referred pain from your sternum to your back. i say this because having pain when you breath, laugh and also slight movement are signs of an injury to the sternum. i would tell your parents and go see the dr. it could be something slight like a pull of a ligament or a muscle strain. this area is very sensitive. use a heating pad for now and some advil for pain and inflammation. gd lk feel better.  

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