
In simple terms what is misogyny??

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i keep hearing the term "misogyny" what is it?why is it important?and a topic??

also in simple terms,whats the deal with anti feminism and feminism as such a divided topic to talk about?like what makes you anti fem or fem??environment,bad experiences?.......and to the men who i guess are anti feminist, do you have girlfriends?do they know you feel this way?are they cool with it? let me know .........i apparently have been left in the dark on these subject til a couple weeks ago. ....and im curious about it and would like some input.

simple terms please.(sry just dont wanna read a whole page worth)




  1. A man who hates women with a passion!

  2. I am the ultimate definition of a misogynist.

  3. Misogyny is the hate of women, as a class. Misandry is the hate of men,a s a class. Misandry is not only far more common today, it is the one that is not only accepted, but is encouraged. On pretty much any TV station, you can see commercials that demean men. In ways that no advertiser would depict women.

    Why is this ? Well, between feminism being considered the norm, when its very misandristic, plus the fact that women control 85% of all discretionary consumer spending, the ads will show what sells to the big customers: women.

    Being anti feminist is a normal response to all the hate of men that feminism spews at us.

  4. Misogyny: Hating women.

    What makes you anti fem or fem: You are a feminist if you believe that women are equal to men and should be treated as such in the law and in society. It's mostly self-identification. You are anti-feminist if you "disagree" with feminism or think that all feminists are man-haters. People are feminists for many, many different reasons. Male feminists usually get involved when they start to notice sexism and discrimination more than they had in the past. Female feminists often get involved after experiencing discrimination for themselves.

  5. Anything Feminists find unfair at any particular time can be labeled misogyny.  It pertains to alleged anti-female biaes inherant to society.

  6. The hatred of women,

  7. hatred of women.

  8. Misogyny is the natural response to the last few decades of misandry (or 'feminism' as its followers prefer to call it).

    It is simply men hating the 'women' (misandrists) who hate them.

    Take a look at guys like that d**k Masterson. He is only the way he is because he has been screwed over by one too many women. The way our society is set up with everything in favor of women, that could happen to any guy.

  9. In simple terms: pure ignorance.

  10. S Class you're wrong, a misogynist is a person who hates women and a misandrist is a person who hates men

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