
In snooker, what is the definition of a long pot?

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I heard it was something like a pot where there's 6' between cue ball and object ball. What if the cue ball and object ball are close together, and the player sends the object ball into a pocket which is 6' away from the object ball? Does that count?




  1. I don't actually know the answer to this question but was looking at the answers...... Surely if it is a shot that is 6" between object ball and pocket then this would apply to almost every shot?? 6" really isn't very far.........

    Is this really right???

  2. It's arbitrary!  There is nop hard and fast deifinition of a long pot. I played a lot of snooker, and to me a long pot was anything more than 3 foot from the white!  I remember I potted one of those one time! They don't call me the 'Soft breeze' Higgins for nothing, you know!  Actually I am quite surprised, 'cause my name is not Higgins!

  3. I play a bit of snooker and to me i would say they both count,although the one with the greater distance to the object ball would probably be harder.

  4. Over half the length of the table ie 12ft table 6ft 1 in shot

  5. yes the object ball must be 6" from any pocket to be a long pot

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