
In so cal what is the average amount tip earned?

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I live in Temecula CA. I am starting a job as a cocktail waitress and was wondering what the average amount of tips are earned in a night. i will be working weekends and it is a smaller bar, but gets packed..about 300 people on fridays and saturdays. I was just wondering if anyone knew the area and what was average.




  1. You should be making BANK.  At least 20 dollars a night.

  2. How many waitresses?  How quick of a turn over?  Is it a sit around all night place or a quick turnover?  If you are just starting out, if you aren't that good you are going to be slow.  Is it a food place or just drinks?  How much are your drinks?  Overpriced drinks people tend to tip less.  Weak drinks where the person feels scammed, they tip less.

    Basically though people tip less for just beer than mixed drinks.  You'll have to tip out the hostess and the bartender.  Rough estimate of 15% on each check.  My guess would be take the number of tables you have, 4 people per table, switch out the table every hour.  Ask the other waitresses but I'd expect to get something like $75 a night.

    Best bet is to ask the other waitresses b/c there are just too many variables for anyone to give you an accurate guess.

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