
In social sciences what's the difference between the Dependant, independent and intervening variables?

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In social sciences what's the difference between the Dependant, independent and intervening variables?




  1. Dependent variable is one whose values depend the values of the independent variable and the intervening/ intervention variable. Thus the variables which are affected by or dependent on or are a funcition of independent and or policy intervention or intervening variables.

    Independent variables are those whose values change over time independently under the model or the system.

    Intervening variables are those variables which link the dependent variable to independent variables in specific ways. These are generally policy variables or policy instruments though which the State or the Govt. or the Society try to alter the outcome of the system.

    For example, Consumption depends on disposable income, Disposable income  depends on income. minus tax. Consumption is a dependent variable and depends on Disposable income which in turn depends on Income and tax paid by an individual. Income and Disposable income are independent variables and tax is an intervention / intervening policy variable. In that sense the disposal income, though independent nature is an intervening variable which can be affected by Govt.'s tax policies.

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