
In sociology what is common sense and social science?

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what is the difference between the two




  1. First off, there is no such thing as common sense, only what you already know and think everyone else should too.  Common sense is based on assumptions that someone is from a similar background that you are and we all know what assumption does to us.  That is a cultural thing.  Second, social science is the use of  the scientific method to observe and measure something objectively.

  2. They are actually the same, but since a lot of people have not studied sociology they are unaware.

    Social science are facts gathered through study.


    assimilation:  Fact: in a social group, things that are more different then the "norm" are less likely to be assimilated into the group

    Common sense: if there are a group of whites and one black, the black will probably stay to themselves.

    culture: things that are accepted behavior within the group

    common sense: if you came from a cannibal tribe, it is not OK to eat your neighbor in the US

    so they are pretty much the same, just one has fancy big words.

  3. ???

    What's the difference?

    What makes you ask?

    'Common sense' is a silly phrase people use -- much of what people think is common sense is neither common, nor very sensible.

    People tend to think that what they think is therefore true, and what they know is, or should be, common knowledge.

    Social science is study of humans -- the various specific fields taking different approaches, and looking at different aspects of humanity and being human.

    The person who answered that what sociaol sicence says is all just common sense doesn't know what they're talking about. Social sciences have learned much about humans that most people are unaware of -- things that often contradict "common sense" though some have filtered into general understanding and have, since their promulgation, have become what's taken to be common sense.

  4. Common sense refers to what the man or woman in the street may say about the cause of an event. For that same event social science would look at related data from books and studies for an explanation. Common sense and social science are related insofar as many common sense explanations of an event may be quantified into a statistical matrix to find a common cause or the most significant causal "variables" that relate to the event.

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