
In some new cars like vw golf does it have a radiator for cooling.?

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some one told me that the new golf doent work with radiator is this true




  1. All cars have radiators!!! Since the engine works harder than most of auto parts, it has a tendency to overheat; therefore, it needs a cooling system that keeps it operating at the right temperature.  

  2. all cars have radiators except old vws and porsches

  3. They do. there are no air cooled cars available these days. Volkswagens, Porsches, and Corvairs used to be air cooled a long time go, along with some obscure makes and models, but not anymore. They couldn't meet noise and/or emissions regulations. you don't find as many air cooled motorcycles these days either.  

  4. I cant think of any cars with an air cooled engine anymore.  Old VW Beetles used to have them.

  5. Only very old VWs like the old-design Beetle are air-cooled.

    The great majority of modern cars (including modern VWs) are water-cooled and that requires a radiator in the system.

    Your friend might have been talking about modifying a golf with a turbo engine, this might involve an intercooler. Maybe that's what he's talking about. But this is a separate issue from the radiator.

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