
In some sort of an identity crisis. ?

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I don't exactly have a place/person to turn to. So. I'm sinking into a rut, and it's lasted a while now. Without wanting to sound silly, irrational and even more weird than I am, I have put off talking about it with family/friends.

I don't even know who I am anymore. I'm not exceptionally good at anything. Not very funny, or intriguing, insightful or creative. No real talents. I am not very intelligent and working towards nursing seems futile at times. And changing my major to teaching would mean back peddling. I'm not sure what my personality even is, what I want or don't want. I simply am a mess. And boring. I feel worthless. I long to be a strong individual...So how do you get back on track, when you don't know where you got off, or if you ever were there? What are some experiences to self-discovery?




  1. Well I suggest you start hanging on some art activities .. something that let's you explore yourself ... like painting or photography ... any thought that comes in mind draw it or paint it in some way and through that you realise who you are

  2. Focus. It is all to do with focus. Strengths rather than weaknesses. Positivity rather than negativity. Please google a short piece called Desiderata. It has all the answers to the issues you have raised for both now & forever in it. With very best wishes. UK

  3. I don't really know exactly what will help you, because I think most of these problems come with answers in time, rather than from a structured series of events. One thing that could help though is writing a diary/journal. Been doing it for two years now and it has really helped me to grow and see myself as who I was a few months (or even weeks) ago. Sometimes when you're living the moment, you miss a few (minor or major) details. Reading back on those moments can really uncover those overlooked details.

    Good luck with everything and hopefully everything gets better soon! And try to talk with a family member or a close friend - that could do a lot of help as well.

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