
In some states, its illegal to use cell phone while driving, but should the use of hand free device be ban?

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Hand free devices, such as Bluetooth Technology.

I'm doing a persuasive speech about this by the way, and my persuasive speech topic:

To persuade my audience, specifically on drivers, the use of wireless/hand free devices must be banned in California due to increase accident that occurs daily.

And I'm also hoping that you guys can find a statistics/sources/evidences or anything relate to it from above?

And help me how to get started? Im really new into this stuff.

Lastly, Ill give you 10 points if you help me out with this?

Thank you for your time! :-P

PS: If there something you don't quite understand or something like that, let me know right away, Ill clarify it for you.




  1. If you are using a hands-free device with a cell phone, you are four and half times more likely to be in a serious accident than if you are not talking on the phone at all.

    The fact is, that "virtual" conversation is more distracting than talking with a passenger, cell phone conversations consume significantly more attention than passenger conversations, resulting in more incidents and crashes during simulated driving.

  2. In the United Kingdom (England) there is a ban on the use of mobile handsets whilst driving. The use of bluetooth technology is an alternative to holding the handset to the ear.  Should it be banned as well, this is very debatable subject as it could be said that you have to take your hand off the steering wheel to turn on the lights if it gets dark, or to change gear in what you might call a 'stick shift', so anything that can distract the driver might possibly give rise to a ban. Then again the driver can also talk to his passengers, is that not similar to talking on the phone?

    I say the use of common sense is the best policy. Pull over to the side of the road and then make or take the call, but this can be just as bad you only have watch the reality cop shows in t.v. to see that.

    I use bluetooth when driving, but if I forget the device at home I will not answer it and everyone I know who likely to call me is aware of this. Mobile handsets can list most calls and the numbers to call them back and if you have activated the answerphone they can leave messages which you can get when in a safe position to do so.

  3. It's not driving with one hand that is the problem,people have done it for years,esp- with power steering,the problem is concentrating on what you are doing eg  trying to drive while you'r having an argument with your wife or trying to give some one a quote for a job while you drive.If your phone rings stop and talk if you can't stop let it ring out,your answering service will take it.

  4. Mythbusters tv show did an experiment on this and found that even though blue-tooth technologies freed up your hands, it still was just as distracting as a regular cell-phone and reduced driving abilities to the same as being legally drunk.

  5. Yes they should be banned,coz they affect visibility and memory, Reading a novel or watching a movie takes you to another world ,similarly talking on phone diverts your attention from road and concentration is the sender. Messages evoke  different emotions: laugh, cry,twisting your body ,blink etc , and all these can cause accidents

  6. It shouldn't be illegal to hold your phone while driving since police officers use their radios while driving, but that's still OK. If they can do that, can you use Push-To-Talk from Nextel/Sprint?

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