
In some states do train conductors have arrest authority while on duty and dealing with crazy passengers?

by Guest61642  |  earlier

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I have heared in some states train conductors have the athority to arrest passengers who are routey. Some states have laws that allow the conductor to arrest disorderley passengers but only when on the respective train and only while on duty. Is this true if so why. Please name sources to incresse your chance of beeing chosen for a best anwser.




  1. I  believe in Montana they still do, a holdover from the territorial  days. I have heard that many times, although I am no legal expert.

    We're not allowed to carry guns or weapons so it wouldnt be as much fun.

  2. well they can probably make a citizens arrest of course

    and sometimes  they can cite you (for not having a valid fare ticket like on metrolink in Southern California)

  3. the conductors themselves do not do any actual arrests.  if police are needed, they have to call for police to do any actual arresting.

    now this is where it can get fun tho'.

    every railroad company has their own police force, so sometimes, depending on train location and railroad organization, the conductor may have the railroad police meet the train.  particularly if the train is heading to a terminus where a railroad police office is located (such as chicago, los angeles, etc etc).  

    railroad police always are the ones to call if the situation is of non-emergency nature, such as damage/theft of railroad property, right of way, signals, etc.

    most frequently, however, the train is somewhere where the railroad police are not immediately handy.  in those cases, the conductor will call dispatcher or the next station's ticket agent and then any local, county, or state police can meet the train.  sometimes, and preferably, the meet will be at the next station.

    sometimes, depending on the situation, the conductor may not be able to wait til the next station.  in that case, then the dispatcher works it out with the police and conductor to meet at a designated road crossing.  this is not preferred, but sometimes it has to be done, and ive seen it done enough.

  4. They have no other authority than anyone else to effect an arrest.

    Disorderly conduct is an express ticket off the train at the first place lawmen can come aboard.

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